Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Exploring XML Using Haskell

I am trying to learn how to process XML using Haskell and I haven't found any "Hello World" tutorials on how to just access various nodes and attributes of an XML document using HaXml.

The following is a transcript of a ghci session I had tonight (minus a handful of bloopers).

I'm not a Haskell expert so expect less than stellar Haskell code. My main purpose for writing this is to give others a jumping off point into HaXml.

First I started ghci:
tim@laptop:~$ ghci
GHCi, version 6.10.1: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Then I declared a String that held my XML document text (formatted to fit your screen):
Prelude> let xmlText = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><order>
<part number="\">Hammer</part>
<part number="\">Nail</part>
Before I can parse the XML, I'll need to import some of HaXml's libraries. The :m +
command will do that for us:
Prelude> :m +Text.XML.HaXml
Prelude Text.XML.HaXml> :m +Text.XML.HaXml.Parse
Now I can parse the XML and extract just the root of the document:
Prelude Text.XML.HaXml Text.XML.HaXml.Parse> let (Document _ _ root _) = xmlParse "(No Document)" xmlText
Actually, no parsing has taken place yet. xmlParse is lazy and will only parse the XML text when necessary.

The first argument to xmlParse is "(No Document)". That's just a dummy value that's used by HaXml for error reporting purposes. If I had parsed XML from a file, I would have substituted the file name for the dummy value.

Let's see what type the root has:
Prelude Text.XML.HaXml Text.XML.HaXml.Parse> :t root
root :: Element Text.XML.HaXml.Posn.Posn
The combinators I'll be using expect a Content value not an Element. So let's create a Content value from this Element. But first we need to load another module:
Prelude Text.XML.HaXml Text.XML.HaXml.Parse> :m +Text.XML.HaXml.Posn
Having all these modules in the prompt is getting annoying. Let's remove them:
Prelude Text.XML.HaXml Text.XML.HaXml.Parse Text.XML.HaXml.Posn> :set prompt "> "
Now our prompt will just be the > character followed by a space.

And now we can wrap the Element value in a Content value:
> let rootElem = CElem root noPos
> :t rootElem
rootElem :: Content Posn
To select nodes in the XML tree we can use the tag function:
> :t tag
tag :: String -> Content i -> [Content i]
It takes a String and a Content value (our document root) and returns potentially multiple Content values (each node whose tag name matched the supplied String).

Let's see the type of value we get when we supply tag with a String:
> :t tag "order"
tag "order" :: Content i -> [Content i]
No surprise there if you're familiar with currying.

And let's see the type of the value returned from tag when both a String and a Content value are supplied:
> :t tag "order" rootElem
tag "order" rootElem :: [Content Posn]
How many element names matched "order"?
> length $ tag "order" rootElem
You can search for tags within tags using the /> function. Notice that the chained functions below have the same type as the tag function:
> :t tag "order" /> tag "part"
tag "order" /> tag "part" :: Content i -> [Content i]
Let's search for "part" tags within the "order" tag and see how many nodes we get (it should be 2 because we have 2 orders in our XML text):
> length $ tag "order" /> tag "part" $ rootElem
Let's grab just the first "part" element and examine its type:
> let firstPart = (tag "order" /> tag "part" $ rootElem) !! 0
> :t firstPart
firstPart :: Content Posn
Great. We now have a single XML element in firstPart.

Let's poke around the internals of firstPart. To do that we'll pattern match on firstPart:
> let (CElem (Elem name attributes _) _) = firstPart
Now we can look at the part elements tag name:
> name
And see how the attributes are stored:
> :t attributes
attributes :: [Attribute]
That makes sense since an element can have multiple attributes.

We know that this node just has one attribute so let's grab it:
> let (attrName, _) = attributes !! 0
> attrName
The second part of an Attribute is an AttValue which is a list of "Either String Reference" values. I'm not sure why this is. I thought that a single attribute could only have one value. Perhaps not?

Let's grab the first attribute's AttValue:
> let (_, attrValue) = attributes !! 0
> :t attrValue
attrValue :: AttValue
And now we'll grab the list of Either values and store the first one in "firstAttrValue":
> let (AttValue (firstAttrValue:_)) = attrValue
> :t firstAttrValue
firstAttrValue :: Either String Reference
Now we'll try to access the attribute String:
> let (Left value) = firstAttrValue
> value
Sure enough, the first "part" has a part number of "101".


Emily said...

The only Haskell I know is Eddie.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the post, it was very useful.